
Free DDoS mitigation servicies for NGOs, indipendent media

Several organizations now providing DDoS protection for independent media, NGO and other public related sites
DDoS հարձակումներիցպաշտպանվելու համար անկախ լրատվամիջոցներին եւ ՀԿ֊ներինայսօր պետք է միայն դիմել հետեւյալ երեք ծառայություններից մեկին

1. Project Galileo provided by CloudFlare

In order to participate in the Project, a website must meet the following criteria:
  • It is engaged in news gathering, civil society, or political/artistic speech.
  • It is the subject of online attacks related to its news gathering, civil society, or political/artistic speech.
  • It is a not-for-profit organization or a small commercial entity.
  • It acts in the public interest, broadly defined.

2. Deflect

To become a Partner

  • You defend Human Rights; run a Civil Society Organisation; produce Independent Media; or work with people who do one of these
  • You have been targeted by DDoS attacks or have reason to fear or anticipate an attack because of the work you do
  • You control the domain registration or DNS records for your website
  • You do not contravene the principles set out in the UDHR in your work
  • You do not promote hate speech or encourage discrimination in your work

Sign up here

3. Google`s Project Shield 

It is still in testing mode. But you can try to try :)

Sign up here

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